OccupationalTherapy (OT)
Our highly trained pediatric occupational therapy staff utilizes the unparalleled array of equipment within our clinics. Our therapists have the ability to address the occupational therapy (OT) needs of the child in a unique and engaging environment.
How do you know if OT can help your child?
- Avoids touching or being touched (especially if unexpected), dislikes getting dirty, seems unaware of pain, and/or displays upset with daily routine tasks such as dressing, bathing, washing hair, cutting nails, etc.
- Seems clumsy or uncoordinated (taking longer than expected to learn motor skills, bumps into other people or objects in the environment, falls often, etc.)
- Poor eye contact or difficulty interacting with adults/peers
- Covers ears, becomes upset, or complains about loud noises
- Difficulty following verbal directions or completing steps of daily routines
- Limited diet (does not eat certain food textures or temperatures, gags on food, etc.)
- Avoid movement activities such as swings, slides, hesitates on curbs or uneven surfaces, etc.
- Appears to be in constant motion, fidgety, difficult time sitting still
- Overly rough when playing
- Difficulty imitating actions
- Unsafe in community or at home
- Disruptive behaviors-impulsive, limited attention, resistive to new activities/changes in routine, difficulty moving from one activity to another, gives up easily, difficulty calming self
Welcoming PlaceWith Quality Care
Our philosophy is learning through play as we offer a stimulating environment for children. Our philosophy is learning through play as we offer.
- Friendly Place
- Online Access
- Varied Classes
- Full Day Sessions

Total Groups
Qualified Teachers
Years of Experience
Students Enrolled
What is OT?

Sensory Integration
Also known as Sensory Processing, using our brains and our bodies to process the sensations happening around us.

Social Skills

Feeding therapy helps children that have difficulty eating or drinking. OT’s may address sensory issues like aversion to tastes or textures, or work on oral motor skills - how jaw, tongue, lips, cheek, and teeth work together.

Fine Motor/Visual Motor Skills
Skills like handwriting, tying shoes, cutting with scissors that require smaller movements and hand-eye coordination.



How Do You Know if OT Can Help Your Child?
Our Occupational Therapy Screening Tool is a great way to determine if pediatric occupational therapy (OT) is right for your child and can help him/her meet life’s challenges. Your child may benefit from occupational therapy intervention if he/she has experienced or is experiencing any of the issues below.